Our Business

Our Business

  • Intelligent Computing Research and Development

    01Intelligent Computing Research and Development

    We offer consigned research and development of intelligent computing. If you want technical alliance because of lack of know-how in house, or if you are looking for professionals to whom you can entrust with some part of your research and development, we can provide strong assistance for you.

    Intelligent computing is the collective term for all technologies that enable computers to perform flexible and intelligent processing like humans. For example, pattern recognition, statistical analysis, time series analysis, signal processing, sound processing, image processing, natural language processing, knowledge processing artificial intelligence, and numerical analysis are included.

  • Academic Research Software Development

    02Academic Research Software Development

    Software development services for universities and research institutions. We undertake system design and programming so that researchers can focus on the core issues of their research. In addition to our experience in system development, we also have a background in mathematical theory and computer science. We are well versed in the implementation of algorithms with a strong research component, making us ideal for assisting researchers.

  • Latest Software Technologies<br>Survey and Tutorial

    03Latest Software Technologies
    Survey and Tutorial

    We can perform a paper survey and literature review of the latest software technologies and submit it to you as an easy-to-understand report. If necessary, we can also provide a tutorial based on the report.

  • Artificial Intelligence Consulting

    04Artificial Intelligence Consulting

    We provide AI consulting services for companies that want to create such a system but do not know what technology to use.

We also develop various other types of systems, so please feel free to contact us if you have a project that we can help you with.

Contact Us


  • Research Paper Implementation

    Research Paper Implementation

    Implement specified research papers as software.

    See detail

  • Algorithm Implementation

    Algorithm Implementation

    Make modules or APIs of specified algorithms as you request.

    See detail

  • Simple Tool Creation

    Simple Tool Creation

    Make simple application of numerical or statistical analysis at a low price.

    See detail

  • Research Software Development

    Research Software Development

    Create software for academic research. We can also speed up existing software or add functionalities to existing software.

    See detail

  • Consigned Research Services

    Consigned Research Services

    We can execute parts of your research, including surveying papers, developing necessary systems, validation, and preparing reports.

    See detail

  • Large Language Model Consigned Research and Development Services

    Large Language Models

    Develop large language models for practical applications to meet a wide range of needs, from practical applications to pure research purposes.

    See detail

  • Optimization Software Development

    Optimization Software Development

    Develop optimization software to find optimal solutions to problems with various constraints.

    See detail

  • Automated Analysis

    Automated Analysis

    Using RPA (Robotic Process Automation), build systems for efficient analysis.

    See detail

  • Neuroscience Software Development

    Neuroscience Software Development

    Develop software tailored to the needs of each individual researcher in the field of neuroscience.

    See detail

  • Food Science Software Development

    Food Science Software Development

    Supports a wide range of food processing stages from experimental design to analysis of results.

    See detail

  • Geophysical Exploration and Nondestructive Testing

    Geophysical Exploration and Nondestructive Testing

    Develop software for signal processing of measurement data, simulation, and data assimilation.

    See detail

  • Quantum Beam Research

    Quantum Beam Research Software Development

    Develop specialized software to implement and accelerate the algorithms used in quantum beam research.

    See detail

Contact Us

If you have any inquiry
about our company, please contact us.
(Phone hours: 10:00 - 17:00, Japan Standard Time)


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